VAB Events is delighted to announce the inaugural IHRE Awards which will be held on the evening of 23 May at Hilton, Olympia. We look forward to welcoming you to part
JobLookup offers quick and easy access to wide-reaching job boards so you can get the maximum catchment for your latest roles. Employers and recruiters can post job ads with us
The last 5 years has seen the UK recruitment sector steadily grow each year; however, the COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented disruption. HR Grapevine are inviting you to take part
LAPS: Life After Professional Sport, is a unique organisation that helps elite athletes to find fulfilling new careers after their sports career ends. We invite businesses to help support our
Jump is a people analytics platform that gives everyone a chance to succeed. By understanding what makes people unique and linking this to business outcomes, Jump gives more personalised job
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